A one-man start-up isn’t necessarily a dead end, but it comes with its own unique challenges. It can be hard to run a company alone, even if you expect to hire employees in the future. One of the most famous examples is Amazon, which started as a one-man operation before becoming the first trillion dollar market capitalization business in history. 소자본창업 This article will discuss the stigmas surrounding running a one-man startup, and then provide a playbook for anyone who might be considering it.

Generally, investors favor startups that are built by teams because they offer the best potential for financial returns and align with their interests as investors. However, this isn’t always the case, and Crunchbase data suggests that single founders are actually more common than teams at raising money and having an exit.
There are several negatives to running a one-man start-up, and most of them relate to lack of neutral counsel and a limited investment option. In addition, it can be lonely, and the inability to delegate can lead to quixotic pursuits and waste of founder bandwidth. Finally, it can be difficult to raise money if you don’t have an existing track record, and the difficulty may lead to ceding advantage to deeper-pocketed competitors.1인창업
Despite these challenges, a one-man start-up can be incredibly rewarding. The perks include full control, the ability to grow at your own pace, and the opportunity to use your business as a personal petri dish of productivity hacks and self development. In addition, if your business is a success, you’ll keep all of the equity.