Hair loss can be a significant source of stress, especially for men and women who suffer from permanent or gradual balding. However, treatments can slow the rate of hair loss or stimulate partial regrowth. Hair transplants are also an option for some people with advanced balding. 부산모발이식
A variety of causes can lead to thinning or balding. In some cases, the cause can be reversed with a change in lifestyle or medication. For example, avoiding stress, eating a nutritious diet, and wearing loose, soft hairstyles can help promote the growth of healthy hair. In addition, a dermatologist can offer advice on medications that may cause temporary hair loss and recommend supplements that promote healthy scalp and hair.
If the cause of your hair loss is not obvious, a dermatologist can order blood tests to measure thyroid function and iron levels and to check for underlying health problems that could contribute to hair loss. The doctor can also perform a scalp biopsy or a test called a hair pull, in which the physician gently pulls several dozen hairs to see how many fall out and to determine the stage of thinning or balding.

Over-the-counter and prescription topical medications such as minoxidil (Rogaine(r)) can stop or reverse thinning or balding in up to 85% of men and women who use it regularly. Oral medications such as finasteride (Avodart(r)) and dutasteride (Propecia(r)) are effective for men with male pattern baldness, but not for women with this condition.
Some types of hair loss are permanent, including a hereditary form called androgenic alopecia, which is usually seen as a receding hairline or ring of bald spots in men and thinning or bald patches in women. In other cases, hair loss is a side effect of certain medical conditions such as thyroid disease or autoimmune diseases like alopecia areata, which occurs when the immune system attacks the hair follicles.
In some cases, a dermatologist can recommend laser therapy to encourage new hair growth. One common type of laser treatment is low-level light therapy (LLLT). This involves shining lasers on the scalp to activate the hair follicles and promote new growth. Studies show that this approach can be successful, although it may take several treatments a week over the course of months to have a noticeable effect. Another possible option for hair growth is platelet-rich plasma (PRP), in which the doctor draws a small amount of your own blood and then injects it into the area with thinning or balding hair. This procedure has been shown to be safe and effective in some studies, but more research is needed.부산탈모병원