Hairline correction involves improving the balance between your forehead and eyebrows. It is a common procedure among women and men. Many celebrities like TikToker Beth Halsey and Love Island’s Camilla Colbro have undergone this surgery.
During the procedure, you will receive sedation or general anesthesia to make sure you are comfortable. There are two surgical methods to lower your hairline: scalp advancement and forehead reduction.
Forehead Reduction
Forehead reduction surgery is a minimally-invasive surgical procedure that can significantly lower your hairline and narrow the width of your forehead. The technique eliminates excess forehead skin and can also be used to correct widow’s peaks or cowlicks.
During the procedure, which is performed under local anesthesia and sedation, your surgeon will mark the area where you want your new hairline to land. Next, they will make an incision on your forehead and remove any excess tissue. They will then pull down the top of the incision to connect with the bottom, resulting in a shorter forehead.

Any scars that occur as a result of the procedure are usually imperceptible and will be further camouflaged when your hair grows back. While this is a relatively safe procedure, there are some potential side effects, including scarring, swelling, bruising, and hair loss (temporary or permanent). In most cases, forehead reduction is considered a cosmetic procedure and is not covered by insurance.
Scalp Advancement
This surgical treatment reduces a high forehead to improve facial proportions and overall facial balance. The procedure can be performed on both men and women, depending on scalp laxity and desired results.모발이식
The technique involves making an incision in the front of the head and removing a predetermined amount of forehead skin, leaving hair-bearing scalp tissue behind. This lowers the forehead by up to three centimeters.헤어라인
Dr. Charles is a highly experienced surgeon who uses the most advanced techniques and artistry to create a natural-looking, feminine hairline. He takes a personalized approach to each patient and develops an individualized plan based on their needs and aesthetic goals.
Hairline advancement can be combined with other facial procedures such as a brow lift or liposuction for comprehensive rejuvenation. The final outcome is a smaller forehead, more balanced facial proportions and an improved sense of self-confidence. The surgery is also frequently performed as part of gender affirmative surgeries for transgender patients.
Tissue Expander
Tissue expansion is a procedure that allows your body to grow extra skin for reconstruction. A silicone balloon expander is placed under the normal skin near a nevus or defect and gradually filled with saline over time, causing the skin to stretch and grow. This technique is most commonly used in breast reconstruction after breast removal but can also be done for other reconstructive procedures or to repair skin damaged by burns or accidents.
The benefit of tissue expansion is that it creates skin that matches in color, texture and contour to the surrounding area. The expansion also allows hair to grow normally over the expanded site.
The drawback of this approach is that it can take months for the skin to stretch enough to cover the expander. This is due to the need for repeated visits to have the expander injected with saline (or salt water). This process is called “rounds of expansion.” If multiple rounds are needed the procedure can be quite lengthy.
Hair Grafts
Hair transplants, also known as hair restoration or follicular unit extraction (FUE), are the most common and effective way to restore a receding hairline. Under local anesthesia, a strip of skin with hair on the back and sides of your scalp is removed and divided into tiny pieces, each containing 1 to 4 hairs, which are then carefully inserted at the front of your head to create or thicken a natural-looking hairline.
When done properly, hair grafts are permanent and can be washed, combed, or brushed like your own. They also tend to heal better and more naturally than scars left behind by other surgical procedures.
However, poorly performed hair grafts can result in an unnaturally low forehead or straight line due to improper surgical techniques. They can also cause the shedding of native hairs from the donor area, known as telogen effluvium. This shedding usually occurs within 3 to 4 months after the procedure and is self-limited.